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When it comes to learning and mastering numeracy skills, concentration and focus play a crucial role. Whether you're a student struggling with basic arithmetic or an adult looking to improve mental math abilities, honing your concentration and focus can significantly enhance your numerical proficiency. One effective method that has been proven to boost concentration and focus is abacus training. In this section, we will explore how abacus training can help enhance these essential skills and provide tips and case studies to support its effectiveness.


Abacus training involves using a physical or virtual abacus to perform calculations. This method requires individuals to visualize and manipulate beads on the abacus, which stimulates the brain and enhances concentration. By focusing on the movement of the beads and mentally calculating the numbers, learners can improve their ability to concentrate on the task at hand.


For example, a study conducted by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, found that students who received abacus training showed significant improvements in their concentration levels compared to those who did not. The study also revealed that the increased concentration translated into better performance in mathematics tests.



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